Heim Nachricht Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links Celebrates Anniversary

Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links Celebrates Anniversary

Autor : Ava Jan 22,2025

Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links is turning eight! To mark this milestone, Konami is showering players with anniversary gifts.

Log in starting January 12th to claim a fantastic array of rewards, including: a Chronicle Card Ticket for an Ace Monster (Chronicle), an Ultra Prismatic Rainbow Neos (SPEED), a Prismatic Pot of Greed (RUSH), 1000 Gems, exclusive 8th-anniversary accessories, a Skill Ticket, and a Character Unlock Ticket.

But that's not all! Daily login bonuses will also be available, starting with a Prismatic UR/SR Ticket (SPEED) on day one and culminating in Surface Processing: Aurora on day ten. This generous giveaway is sure to excite Yu-Gi-Oh! fans.


While the anniversary lacks a dedicated special event, the abundance of rewards is a significant celebration for one of the most enduring mobile card battlers. This longevity contrasts sharply with the relatively recent mobile entry of the usually dominant Pokémon TCG.

If you're a Yu-Gi-Oh! player looking for more, check out our list of the top 11 best collectible card games on mobile, or explore other Yu-Gi-Oh! titles like Master Duel and its latest banned card list.

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