ニュース Fortnite:武器の専門知識クエストを完了する方法


著者 : Aurora Feb 26,2025

このFortnite Huntersは、XPと伝説的な武器へのアクセスでプレイヤーに報いる新機能である武器の専門知識クエストの詳細をガイドします。特定のNPCに関連付けられたこれらのクエストには、5段階の課題を完了することが含まれます。クエストラインを完了すると、そのNPCから購入するための伝説的な武器のロックが解除されます。



武器の専門知識のクエストは、Fortniteハンターに固有のものです。最初のクエストは、希望、ルジ、またはエージェントジョーンズとの相互作用を必要とするコンセプトを紹介します。各クエストラインは、5つの課題で構成されています。それらを完了すると、特定のNPC、Hope、Ruji、Vengeance Jones、Daigo、Kendoの伝説的な武器のロックを解除します。これらのクエストは、[クエスト]タブを介してメインロビーまたはゲーム内で追跡されます。


Legendary WeaponUnlock MethodLocation
Fury Assault RifleComplete Hope's Assault Rifle Expertise QuestsSold by Hope at Hopeful Heights
Oni ShotgunComplete Ruji's Shotgun Expertise QuestsSold by Ruji, northwest of Lost Lake
Surgefire SMGComplete Vengeance Jones's SMG Expertise QuestsSold by Vengeance Jones East of Shattered Span
Void & Fire Oni MasksComplete Daigo's Mask Expertise QuestsSold by Daigo at Masked Meadows
Typhoon BladeComplete Kendo's Melee Expertise QuestsSold by Kendo northeast of Nightshift Forest



Deal 15,000 damage to players with Assault Rifles25,000 XP
Deal 7,500 headshot damage with Assault Rifles25,000 XP
Hit 100 players with Assault Rifles in a single match25,000 XP
Eliminate 50 players with ARs after reaching 10 players remaining25,000 XP
Eliminate 5 players with Assault Rifles in a single match and win25,000 XP
Complete Hope's Assault Rifle Expertise Quests (5)Fury Assault Rifle
Eliminate 5 players with ARsRestock


Deal 10,000 damage to players with Shotguns25,000 XP
Hit 250 players within 15 meters with Shotguns 5 seconds after sliding or sprinting25,000 XP
Hit 15 different players with Shotguns in a single match25,000 XP
Hit 50 players with two Shotgun blasts in 1 second or less25,000 XP
Eliminate 5 players with Shotguns in a single match and win25,000 XP
Complete Ruji's Shotgun Expertise Quests (5)Oni Shotgun
Eliminate 5 players with ShotgunsRestock


Deal 12,500 damage to players with SMGs25,000 XP
Eliminate 30 players with SMGs within 10 seconds of dealing damage with another weapon25,000 XP
Hit 125 players within 30 meters with SMGs in a single match25,000 XP
Hit 50 players with 10 SMG shots in 3 seconds or less25,000 XP
Eliminate 5 players with SMGs in a single match and win25,000 XP
Complete Vengeance Jones's Expertise Quests (5)Surgefire SMG
Eliminate players with SMGsRestock


Deal 10,000 Damage to players with the Fire Oni Mask25,000 XP
Deal 2,500 damage to players within 15 seconds of teleporting with a Void Oni Mask25,000 XP
Hit 10 different players with the Fire Oni Mask in a single match25,000 XP
Eliminate 5 players within 10 seconds of teleporting with a Void Oni Mask25,000 XP
Down or Eliminate a player wearing a mask with a Fire Oni Mask25,000 XP
Complete Daigo's Mask Expertise Quests (5)Void & Fire Oni Masks
Eliminate 5 players with the Fire Oni MaskRestock


Travel 1,000 meters or deal 1,000 damage to players with the Typhoon Blade25,000 XP
Hit 150 Demon Grunts or Demon Warriors with the Typhoon Blade25,000 XP
Hit 10 different players or demons with the Typhoon Blade in a single match25,000 XP
Eliminate 5 players within 10 seconds of sprinting or jumping with the Typhoon Blade25,000 XP
Eliminate 5 players with the Typhoon Blade in a single match and win25,000 XP
Complete Kendo's Melee Expertise Quests (5)Typhoon Blade

このガイドは、Fortnite Huntersのすべての武器の専門知識クエストの包括的な概要を提供します。新しいクエストが追加されると、更新を確認することを忘れないでください。

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