계략 교육적인 Rocket 4 space games Spaceship
Rocket 4 space games Spaceship

Rocket 4 space games Spaceship


This spaceship building game for kids, Starship Shuttle, is perfect for 5-year-olds and beyond. It’s an exciting space adventure where children build and control spaceships, rockets, and shuttles! This educational game combines fun with facts about space, making it a valuable learning tool for toddlers and preschoolers.

Kids manage a space station, completing enjoyable tasks along the way. They'll assemble spaceships and rockets from parts, maintain their vehicles (washing, repairing, refueling), and launch spacecraft from a cosmodrome. The game also features:

  • Step-by-step spaceship construction using puzzles.
  • Vehicle maintenance: washing, refueling, and repairs.
  • Satellite launches.
  • Exploration: visiting the Moon and other planets.
  • Space races: maneuvering rockets, destroying asteroids, and saving nearby stars.
  • Mars rover missions: collecting data from planetary surfaces.

Children become space researchers, investigating unusual features and transmitting data back to the station. The game also offers:

  • A variety of rockets and satellites to build.
  • Learning about space station and spaceport maintenance.
  • Interaction with a station crew, learning about extraterrestrial base life.

Educational Benefits for Kids:

  • Develops fine motor skills and coordination through puzzle assembly, washing, and refueling.
  • Encourages logic, alertness, and attentiveness through colorful details and game sequences.
  • Multilingual voice acting helps children learn new words.
  • A narrator provides encouragement and a safe, comforting experience.

The game is captivating for children aged 2 and up, featuring a diverse collection of spaceships. It provides a glimpse into the daily life of the space industry, adapted for young children.

Parents' Corner:

Parents can adjust language, sound, and music settings. Subscription options provide access to all levels at any time. Share feedback and suggestions via [email protected], Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/GoKidsMobile/), or Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/gokidsapps/).

  • Rocket 4 space games Spaceship 스크린샷 0
  • Rocket 4 space games Spaceship 스크린샷 1
  • Rocket 4 space games Spaceship 스크린샷 2
  • Rocket 4 space games Spaceship 스크린샷 3
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