Home Apps Narzędzia SuicaPASMO履歴管理


Application Description

Introducing the SuicaPASMO履歴管理 APP, a handy application that allows you to easily manage and view your transportation IC card usage history. Compatible with cards such as Suica, PASMO, nanaco, WAON, and Rakuten Edy, this app lets you save and access your card information with just a tap on the back or front of your smartphone. With features like balance display, card history saving, multiple card registration, and chart visualization of expenses, this app is a convenient tool for tracking and managing your transportation expenses. Download now and stay on top of your card usage!

Features of this App:

  • Read and display usage history: This app allows you to easily view and manage the usage history of various transportation IC cards such as Suica, PASMO, nanaco, WAON, and Rakuten Edy.
  • Save history: You can save the usage history of your IC cards for future reference. This is especially useful when you want to track your transportation expenses or check past transactions.
  • Balance display: The app provides a balance display feature on the card list screen, allowing you to quickly check the remaining balance on your card.
  • Multiple card registration: You can register multiple IC cards on the app, making it convenient for people who use different cards for different purposes, such as commuting and shopping.
  • Chart visualization: The app offers a chart (graph) that shows the total amount of money used for each day, week, month, and year. This visual representation helps you understand your spending patterns and budget effectively.
  • Data transfer and export: You can transfer your data to a new device when changing your smartphone model. Additionally, the app allows you to export your data as a CSV file, which can be used with spreadsheet software and other applications.


With this user-friendly app, managing your transportation IC card usage has never been easier. It provides essential features such as reading and displaying usage history, saving history, balance display, multiple card registration, chart visualization, and data transfer/export. Whether you want to track your expenses, monitor your balance, or analyze your spending patterns, this app is a versatile tool that simplifies your daily commuting and shopping experiences. Click now to download and take control of your transportation expenses effortlessly.

  • SuicaPASMO履歴管理 Screenshot 0
  • SuicaPASMO履歴管理 Screenshot 1
  • SuicaPASMO履歴管理 Screenshot 2
  • SuicaPASMO履歴管理 Screenshot 3
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