"By Another Name" is a captivating visual novel that immerses you in the thrilling world of a first-year soccer player at an elite private school. Following the unexpected passing of your father, you're left with a mysterious puzzle to unravel, questioning everything you thought you knew about him. Explore the vibrant campus, forge meaningful alliances, and collaborate with teammates and classmates to lead your soccer team to victory. With customizable character models and a spectrum of choices that shape your journey, this visual novel will keep you enthralled until the very end. Download now for early access and exclusive content!
Features of the App:
- Multiple Character Models: Tailor your experience by choosing from a variety of character models, including female, male, and non-binary options. This feature allows you to create a character that resonates with your playstyle.
- Diverse Genres: Embrace a fusion of genres, including romance/dating sim, mystery, sports, and visual novel. This diverse blend provides ample opportunities for exploration and engagement.
- Meaningful Choices: Every decision you make carries weight and consequence. While there are no wrong choices, your selections will shape the narrative and impact the outcome. This feature adds depth and realism to the gameplay, making your decisions impactful.
- Compelling Characters: Meet a cast of intriguing characters, each with their own unique personalities and backgrounds. From the empathetic Aarya to the dry-humored Abigail, you'll encounter and connect with characters that will captivate you.
- Engaging Storyline: The app's storyline revolves around a mystery left behind by the protagonist's late father, prompting them to question their upbringing. With elements of mystery and personal growth, the storyline promises an engaging and thought-provoking experience.
- Professional Coaching: As a first-year soccer player, you'll receive guidance and coaching from Coach Daisy, who takes her role seriously. This feature adds a sports element to the app, allowing you to strive for success on the soccer field.
With a wide array of genres, customizable character models, compelling characters, and meaningful choices, this app offers an immersive and engaging experience. Whether you seek romance, mystery, or sports, this app has something for everyone. Dive into the captivating storyline, forge bonds with your teammates and classmates, and navigate through an intriguing mystery while acclimating to college life. Download now to embark on an unforgettable journey filled with choices and consequences.