Black Clover M, Garena's globally launched mobile game, immerses players in the captivating world of the beloved Black Clover anime/manga. This turn-based combat game lets you summon and command favorite characters like Asta, Yuno, and Yami, experiencing their abilities through stunning HD animations. Download Black Clover M for free on Google Play and the iOS App Store.
The developers invite you to join Asta, a magic-less boy striving to become the Wizard King, in a world threatened by looming darkness and fueled by a promise to his friends.
Redeem codes offer valuable in-game resources, generously provided by the developers to enhance player engagement. Use the following code (as of May 2024) for in-game rewards:
Please note: Codes may expire, have usage limits, or be region-restricted. Redeem promptly for best results.
Redeeming Codes in Black Clover M:
Follow these simple steps to redeem your codes:
- Launch Black Clover M and log in.
- Tap your "Avatar" icon (top-left).
- Copy your AID.
- Navigate to the "Events" tab, then select "Coupon Redemption." This opens a new webpage.
- Paste your AID into the designated field.
- Enter the redeem code.
- Claim your rewards from your in-game mailbox.
For an optimized gaming experience, consider playing Black Clover M on PC using BlueStacks with keyboard and mouse for improved control and reduced lag.