Home News Zomboid Siege: Barricade Windows for Survival

Zomboid Siege: Barricade Windows for Survival

Author : Ellie Dec 26,2024

Securing your shelter in the zombie-infested world of Project Zomboid is crucial. While finding a safe haven is the first step, fortifying it against relentless undead hordes is a whole different ball game. This guide details how to create basic but effective window barricades.

Constructing Basic Window Barricades in Project Zomboid

To board up windows, gather these essential materials: one wooden plank, a hammer, and four nails. Once you have them, right-click the window you wish to secure. Your character will automatically begin nailing the plank in place. Each window supports up to four planks for enhanced protection.

Locate these materials in typical spots: toolboxes, garages, sheds, closets, and construction sites (for planks). Desperately short on planks? Break down wooden furniture like shelves or chairs. Administrators can use the "/additem" command to spawn items.

Barricaded windows significantly hinder zombie entry compared to unprotected ones. The more planks installed, the longer it takes for the undead to breach your defenses. To remove planks, right-click the barricade and select "Remove." You'll need a claw hammer or crowbar to do this.

Note: Larger furniture items (bookshelves, refrigerators) are ineffective as barricades; characters and zombies will pass right through them.

While wooden planks are a good starting point, metal bars or sheets offer superior protection. However, sufficient Metalworking skill is required to craft these stronger barricades.
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