Unlock the ultimate UNIQLO shopping experience with the UNIQLO MY app! New users receive a RM15 coupon upon registration, instantly boosting your savings. Enjoy exclusive member discounts on E-Member Special items simply by scanning your barcode at checkout. Never wonder about stock availability again – easily check if your desired item is in stock at your preferred store before you even go. Shop online for an expanded selection, including online exclusives and extended sizing for everyone. Utilize the convenient Click & Collect option for free in-store pickup, skipping delivery fees entirely.
Key Features of the UNIQLO MY App:
- RM15 Welcome Coupon: New users get a RM15 coupon upon download and registration.
- Exclusive Member Pricing: Access special discounts on E-Member Special items by scanning your barcode.
- Real-time Stock Availability: Check stock levels at your chosen store, or scan a barcode in-store to see availability and reviews.
- Online Exclusives & Extended Sizes: Shop a wider variety of items online, including extended sizes (XS-3XL for adults, 100cm-160cm for kids).
- Free In-Store Pickup: Choose Click & Collect for free pickup at a nearby UNIQLO store, avoiding delivery charges.
In short: The UNIQLO MY app offers seamless shopping with exclusive member benefits, a RM15 welcome coupon, stock checks, expanded online selection, and convenient free in-store pickup. Download it today for a smarter, more rewarding shopping experience.