Allmoto是一项全面的应用程序,专为摩托车和摩托车维修人员,维护和护理中心设计。该功能强大的工具集成了许多功能,以简化操作并增强诊断功能。 A key feature is the integrated SMARTFi2 intelligent fault diagnostic system, offering 12 in-depth diagnostic functions including engine system diagnostics (including ABS and electronic braking), smart key/smart lock system diagnostics, immobilizer system checks, odometer/electronic clock system analysis, LED technology system diagnostics, engine ECU remapping and custom tuning, pulse oscilloscope display, sensor signal simulation, sensor and actuator testing, battery quality评估和语音控制诊断。
Allmoto还充当宽敞的数字图书馆,越南市场主要摩托车品牌的住房维修手册和电路图。应用程序的“电路图”查找功能对于电气系统维修特别有用。它为六个制造商提供了全面,易于理解的图表:本田,Yamaha,Piaggio/Vespa,Suzuki,Sym和Kymco。这些图清楚地说明了使用每个型号的标准电线颜色代码,说明了电源,输入/输出信号和执行器。 PGM-FI,ABS和SMARTKEY等关键系统中包括详细图表,显示标准信号和电压类型,可轻松测试。
该应用程序包括针对各种系统的详细示意图,包括:PGM-FI发动机系统,智能钥匙系统,ABS制动系统,电源,照明,喇叭,喇叭,刹车灯,点火,车辆速度,启动器,瞬时电动机登机器和充电系统。 Beyond circuit diagrams, ALLMOTO offers a wealth of additional resources, such as component location diagrams, repair manuals, assembly diagrams, mechanical disassembly instructions, ODO connection diagrams, smart lock controller connection diagrams, LED system connection diagrams, remap code maps and ECM code lists, engine system, smart key, and ABS error code lookups, motor controller (ECM) pinouts, Smart Key controller (SCU) pinouts, ABS制动控制器引脚功能,电子时钟插孔销函数以及气缸压缩压力,泄漏电流,进气电流,点火角度和零件代码的标准值。还包括针对SmartTool2,SmartTool Eco,Remaptool和Keyscan设备的视频教程。
热线:0943 967 767或0335651825
地址:河内城Tay Ho District Xuan La Ward Xuan La Street 34/8 Lane No. 8