Wasteland Shooter: Survive the Crisis. Years after a devastating radioactive apocalypse, survivors emerge from their shelters, venturing into a world transformed. Their goal: rebuild a home, but they find a land overrun with mutated creatures and desperate looters. Every step is a gamble with death. As an elite team, your mission is to eliminate threats and guide the people towards rebuilding their lives.
Game Features:
- Explore the post-apocalyptic world.
- Automatic fire for efficient monster and enemy elimination.
- Choose from a vast arsenal of weapons, including the Gatling, AK47, and UZI.
- Battle alongside diverse partners (Elves, Demons, Beasts, Dinosaurs, Machines, etc.).
- Construct and fortify your base.
- Experience roguelike battles to become a post-apocalyptic legend.
- Compete in the Arena against other players!
For the latest game news and event information, visit our official community:
- Official Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/falloutshooter
- Official Discord: https://discord.gg/STVyH9kF85
- Developer Site: http://funqtr.com/
Version 1.0.18 (Updated Dec 19, 2024): Beta Test