Experience the thrill of Lustworth Academy! Step into the shoes of Jimmy Napkins, a mischievous student determined to conquer his final year at this infamous school. This captivating visual novel is packed with unexpected turns, hilarious humor, and intriguing interactions. Outsmart teachers, challenge bullies, and navigate the complexities of relationships.
This updated version (0.40.31) boasts new character sprites, enhanced backgrounds, and improved storylines, promising a more immersive experience. Can Jimmy shed his rebellious image and become the ultimate school leader? Discover his journey in this unpredictable prep-school world.
Lustworth Academy – New Version 0.40.31 Key Features:
❤️ Play as the rebellious Jimmy Napkins.
❤️ Experience a visual novel brimming with humor, adventure, and romantic encounters.
❤️ Tackle bullies and pull off epic pranks.
❤️ Interact with a cast of new characters and explore fresh environments.
❤️ Enjoy refined cutscenes and enhanced romantic scenes.
❤️ Access an in-game gallery to revisit your favorite moments.
Lustworth Academy delivers an engaging and entertaining experience blending humor, adventure, and romance. Download now and join Jimmy's quest to rule the town!