When diving into the post-apocalyptic world of *Atomfall*, equipping yourself with the right tools from the get-go can make all the difference. Among these, the Metal Detector stands out as an indispensable asset for uncovering hidden treasures that can significantly boost your survival and trading capabilities. Here's a comprehensive guide on how to secure a Metal Detector early in your journey, ensuring you're well-prepared to explore and thrive.
How the Metal Detector Works in Atomfall
The device features a row of lights that guide you toward your treasure. If the lights sway to the left, adjust your path accordingly; the same goes for a rightward sway. Your goal is to follow the center light until the dial beneath it hits its peak frequency of 10. When all the lights blink in unison, you've hit the jackpot. Use the 'Dig' option to unearth the cache, then 'Search' it to claim your loot.
Where to Find a Free Metal Detector Early in Atomfall
Instead, head east from Slatten Dale, keeping the mountainside to your right and avoiding the 'Water Wheels' compound, which is teeming with Outlaws. Your goal is to reach a large, shallow pond at coordinates **(29.1E, 73.9N)**. Here, amidst the dangers of carnivorous leeches, you'll find an Outlaw corpse on a rocky outcrop in the pond's center.
With this guide, you're now equipped to find a free Metal Detector early in *Atomfall*, setting you up for a successful and rewarding exploration of its vast, mysterious world.