Home News How to Use Bow in Monster Hunter Wilds: Moves and Combos

How to Use Bow in Monster Hunter Wilds: Moves and Combos

Author : Caleb Mar 14,2025

Mastering the bow in *Monster Hunter Wilds* unlocks a powerful and versatile ranged combat style, but it demands precision and strategic thinking. Unlike other weapons, the bow's effectiveness hinges on careful stamina management. Light attacks consume minimal stamina, while charged shots significantly drain your reserves. Understanding this dynamic is key to consistent success.

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Monster Hunter Wilds Bow Weapon

Screenshot via The Escapist

Basic attacks are executed with a left-click (PC), R2 (PlayStation), or RT (Xbox). More advanced techniques, like Dragon Piercer and Thousand Dragons, require specific combo inputs. The following table details the control scheme:

Regular AttackLeft-clickR2RT
Charged AttackHold left-clickHold R2Hold RT
Aim / FocusHold right-clickHold L2Hold LT
Quick ShotFOB
Power ShotF + FO + OB + B
Arc ShotRight-click + Left-click + FL2 + R2 + OLT + RT + B
Charging SidestepRight-click + RL2 + XLT + A
Dragon PiercerR + FTriangle + OY + B
Thousand DragonsRight-click + R + FR2 + Triangle + ORT + Y + B
Select CoatingCtrl + arrow up or downL1 + Triangle or XLB + Y or A
Apply CoatingRTriangleY
Ready TracerLeft-click + EL2 + R2 + SquareLT + RT + X
Focus Fire: HailstormRight-click + ShiftL2 + Hold R1LT + Hold RB

New bow users should familiarize themselves with these controls in the training grounds before tackling monsters. Practice is crucial to mastering the bow's intricacies and maximizing its potential.

**Related: Monster Hunter Wilds Weapon Tier List (Best Weapons to Use)**

Exploiting Weak Points

The bow excels at targeting monster weak points. Focus Fire: Hailstorm, activated by holding Shift (PC), R1/RB (consoles), automatically locks onto these vulnerable areas, indicated by red markings after focusing your aim. This ability significantly boosts damage output.

Utilizing Coatings

Coating gauge.

Screenshot via The Escapist

Coatings enhance arrow effectiveness. Regular attacks gradually fill a coating gauge (bottom right corner). Once full, press R (PC), Triangle (PlayStation), or Y (Xbox) to apply a coating. Each bow supports two coatings simultaneously. Available coatings include:

  • Power Coating: Increased damage.
  • Pierce Coating: Enhanced penetration with Dragon Piercer.
  • Close-Range Coating: Increased close-range damage.
  • Paralysis Coating: Inflicts Paralysis.
  • Exhaust Coating: Inflicts Stun and Exhaustion.
  • Sleep Coating: Inflicts Sleep.
  • Poison Coating: Inflicts Poison.
  • Blast Coating: Inflicts Blast.

Employing Tracer Arrows

Tracer Arrows, consumed from coating points, temporarily affix to a monster, guiding subsequent shots. This is invaluable for consistently hitting weak points, especially during intense combat scenarios.

Monster Hunter Wilds is available now on PlayStation, Xbox, and PC.

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