Gamehouse revives its beloved Delicious series with Delicious: The First Course, a new installment exploring the origins of its iconic mascot, Emily. This time management game retains the classic restaurant sim formula, offering familiar challenges with a fresh twist.
Experienced Delicious players will find the gameplay instantly recognizable. Newcomers will discover a charming culinary management sim in the vein of Diner Dash, demanding skillful multitasking to maintain a smoothly-run restaurant.
Players will progress from modest eateries to upscale restaurants, unlocking unique minigames and upgrading their establishments along the way. Hiring staff, customizing décor, and improving equipment are crucial to avoid kitchen chaos and achieve culinary success.
A Sweet Success
The inclusion of narrative elements has proven key to the success of many popular mobile casual games. Gamehouse cleverly returns to its roots, focusing on Emily's journey from solo entrepreneur to a thriving family woman, offering a heartwarming backstory alongside the familiar gameplay.
Delicious: The First Course is slated for release on January 30th, according to its iOS listing. Meanwhile, explore other top cooking games on iOS and Android to satisfy your culinary cravings.