Garchomp, a formidable Dragon-type Pokémon, gets the EX treatment in the Pokémon TCG Pocket's Triumphant Light expansion. This guide explores the top Garchomp EX decks for the game.
It's crucial to remember Cynthia doesn't synergize with Garchomp EX; she only works with its base form. Garchomp EX excels at bypassing defensive Pokémon like Druddigon, threatening your opponent's bench. However, as a Stage 2 Pokémon, getting it into play before your opponent overwhelms you (e.g., with Exeggutor EX) can be challenging.
Garchomp EX's main draw is its Linear Attack, dealing 50 damage to an active or benched Pokémon. Its 100-damage Dragon Claw (requiring 3 Energy) isn't as efficient. Fortunately, the Triumphant Light Gible and Gabite offer decent single-energy attacks, making them valuable early-game attackers.
Here are three decks effectively utilizing Garchomp EX in Pokémon TCG Pocket:
Hitmonchan (Fighting Energy)
This deck utilizes: 2x Gible (Triumphant Light), 2x Gabite (Triumphant Light), 2x Garchomp EX, 2x Hitmonchan, 1x Marshadow, 2x Professor’s Research, 2x Cyrus, 1x Sabrina, 2x Poké Ball, 2x Pokémon Communication, 2x X Speed.
The strategy is to pressure your opponent with Hitmonchan while developing your Garchomp EX line. Farfetch'd can replace Hitmonchan depending on your opponent's deck; however, Arceus EX is weak to Hitmonchan. After Hitmonchan attacks, Cyrus can retrieve it to use Dragon Claw or Linear Attack on the bench. Marshadow cleans up fallen Pokémon.
Aerodactyl EX (Fighting Energy)
This deck includes: 2x Gible (Triumphant Light), 2x Gabite (Triumphant Light), 2x Garchomp EX, 2x Amber Fossil, 2x Aerodactyl EX, 1x Marshadow, 2x Professor’s Research, 2x Cyrus, 2x Poké Ball, 1x Pokémon Communication, 2x X Speed.
This deck focuses on evolving Gible to Garchomp EX quickly. Aerodactyl EX assists as Poké Balls won't retrieve Amber Fossil needed for Aerodactyl EX evolution, hence the single Marshadow. Garchomp EX's low energy cost makes Aerodactyl EX useful for late-game cleanup or switching. All Pokémon have one retreat cost, maximizing X Speed's value. Be wary of your opponent's Cyrus plays; your own Cyrus plays will likely be crucial.
Lucario EX (Fighting Energy)
This deck uses: 2x Gible (Triumphant Light), 2x Gabite (Triumphant Light), 2x Garchomp EX, 2x Riolu, 2x Lucario EX, 1x Hitmonchan, 2x Professor’s Research, 2x Cyrus, 2x Poké Ball, 1x Pokémon Communication, 2x X Speed.
This is the strongest but riskiest Garchomp EX deck. Getting Lucario and Garchomp EX online before your opponent attacks requires luck. Lucario boosts your Pokémon (Gible, Gabite, Hitmonchan) by +20 damage. Garchomp EX's Linear Attack deals 70 damage with one Fighting Energy to the active Pokémon (not benched). If both Lucario are active, all your Pokémon deal significant damage. Sometimes delaying Garchomp EX evolution might be strategic to avoid losing knockout points.
These are some of the best Garchomp EX decks in Pokémon TCG Pocket. As the meta evolves, expect further experimentation with this iconic Dragon/Ground-type Pokémon.
Pokémon TCG Pocket is available now on mobile devices.