Carmen Sandiego is now available on Netflix Games for iOS and Android! This exclusive early release gives Netflix subscribers a first crack at the action. The globe-trotting vigilante takes on her former allies in the nefarious V.I.L.E. organization.
Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego? Right at your fingertips! Starting today, you can play the latest Carmen Sandiego game on iOS and Android—exclusively for Netflix subscribers.
This new game features Carmen as a vigilante, tracking down and capturing agents of V.I.L.E. Expect globe-trotting adventures filled with exploration, stealth, and even the occasional hang-gliding minigame.
It's a departure from previous entries, which often used point-and-click mechanics and portrayed Carmen as the villain. However, this Netflix-first release (before consoles and other platforms) showcases the success of Carmen's reinvention as a globe-trotting hero.
Around the World, Around the World
Netflix's eagerness to release Carmen Sandiego early is understandable. Gameloft's first major multi-platform release has the potential to be a AAA-quality experience. This early access offers added value for Netflix subscribers.
With its impressive features, Gameloft's debut in this genre could be a hit. Only time will tell how well Carmen Sandiego is received.
Want to stay updated on the latest game releases? Check out our regular "Ahead of the Game" feature! This week, Catherine explores the multiplayer dungeon crawler, Gold & Glory, reviewing this treasure-grabbing simulator.