Home News NieR: Automata: Warped Wire Locations Revealed

NieR: Automata: Warped Wire Locations Revealed

Author : Camila Jan 18,2025

NieR: Automata: Warped Wire Locations Revealed

NieR: Automata features a wide array of enemy types, each potentially dropping various materials crucial for pod and weapon upgrades. While many materials are acquired naturally during gameplay, some, like Warped Wire, require targeted farming. This guide pinpoints an efficient location for Warped Wire acquisition.

Farming Warped Wire in NieR: Automata

Warped Wire is a possible drop from stacked bipedal machines. These aren't particularly challenging foes, but their infrequent spawns limit convenient farming opportunities. The most reliable location is near the Desert Camp fast travel point.

Head towards the main desert area. Before reaching the open desert, you'll traverse mountainous terrain following a pipe through some ruins. This section consistently spawns multiple stacked machines.

Focus on two small clearings near ruined structures. Machines in these areas are predominantly the stacked variety. Warped Wire has a reasonable drop rate; expect one or two per clearing. Consider equipping a Drop Rate Up plug-in chip to accelerate the process.

To expedite farming, utilize these respawn methods:

  • Fast Travel: Quickly travel elsewhere, then return to Desert Camp; this resets all enemies.
  • Manual Respawn: Moving a significant distance away and returning will also respawn them, although fast travel is far more efficient.

Investing in drop rate increase chips is advisable, given the frequency of material farming needed for weapon upgrades. Similarly, movement speed upgrades can slightly reduce travel time between fast travel points, beneficial for both material farming and completing side quests.

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