The long-awaited God of War Live Action TV Series undergoes a reboot as several producers leave the project. Read on to find out more about the departure of the key figures and Sony and Amazon’s plans going forward.
God of War Live Action Series Restarts As WellGod of War Show Not Terminated
Santa Monica Studio’s Creative Director, Cory Barlog, will remain as an executive producer for the TV series, as well as PlayStation Production’s Asad Qizilbash and Carter Swan, Vertigo’s Roy Lee, and Santa Monica Studio’s Yumi Yang. After all this, it's been confirmed that Amazon and Sony will now look to find a new showrunner and a new set of producers and writers to reboot the project’s direction and will not be canceling the project.
More to Come, Despite the Delays
Additional shows that have already been released are Naughty Dog’s Uncharted in 2022 and the massively successful The Last of Us TV series in 2023, which will be having a second season in 2025. Other works released were the Gran Turismo film in 2023 and the Twisted Metal TV series this year. Other projects that were already announced to be in development are Gravity Rush, Ghost of Tsushima, Days Gone, and the recently announced Until Dawn film to be released on April 25, 2025.