Playing games with friends enhances the experience, but even the best teams have weak points. In R.E.P.O., however, the challenge is shared—even death is a temporary setback. The monsters are tough, meaning squad members will likely take turns needing revival. Here's how to bring fallen teammates back to the fight in R.E.P.O.
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Each R.E.P.O. round starts with 100 health. Damage comes from monsters and even your own items, like Human Grenades. Health Packs in the Service Station provide healing, and teammates can share health by interacting with each other's health bars—a helpful mechanic that could be adopted by more games.
Related: All Monsters & How to Kill or Escape Them in R.E.P.O.
Despite your best efforts, R.E.P.O.’s monsters can overwhelm even the most skilled squad. When a teammate falls, their head drops to the ground. Locate it—the map shows a small icon matching their character's color—to begin the revival process. Finding the head is just the first step.
Where To Revive Teammates in R.E.P.O.
With the fallen teammate's head in your inventory, head to the extraction point. Drop the head there. Provided you've met the round's loot requirement (check the top right of your screen), your teammate respawns with 1 HP. Entering the truck will boost their health, getting them back in the action.
Alternatively, if retrieving the head proves impossible, starting a new round revives your teammates. This works similarly to Call of Duty Zombies—a round-based system where death isn't permanent until the round ends. While this method leaves your team at less-than-full strength, it can be strategically advantageous, especially for newer players. The reset allows them to observe experienced players and learn the ropes without immediately facing intense pressure.
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That's how to revive teammates in R.E.P.O. For more tips, check out what Energy Crystals do and how to acquire them.
R.E.P.O. is available now on PC.