Super Farming Boy: A Speedy Farming Sim is Coming Soon!
Back in April, we previewed the trailer for LemonChili's Super Farming Boy, a farming sim that blends the cozy charm of classic farming games with lightning-fast arcade action. Remember the "Harvest Moon on steroids" description? That still holds true! The trailer showcased the protagonist, Super, using superpowers to quickly harvest crops, triggering combos and chain reactions. If you missed it, check it out:
This week, LemonChili unveiled a release roadmap, and the iOS version is now available for pre-order on the App Store! While a full launch isn't imminent (Early Access is slated for Q2 2024, with a full release to follow), pre-ordering the mobile version secures a 20% discount. Intrigued? You can also experience the game firsthand with a playable Windows demo on Steam and
Regardless of whether you pre-order, Super Farming Boy is a title to watch in 2024. Its unique blend of relaxed farming and high-octane gameplay promises a refreshing take on the genre.