Home News Top Pokémon for 2025: Unite Tier List

Top Pokémon for 2025: Unite Tier List

Author : Matthew Mar 26,2025

Playing *Pokémon Unite* casually and competitively can be quite different. As a casual player, you're free to choose any Pokémon that catches your eye, but if you're looking to climb the ranks, you'll need to pay close attention to your Pokémon selection.

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Here is the *Pokémon Unite* tier list for 2025:

SBlissey, Darkrai, Galarian Rapidash, Leafeon, Mimikyu, Miraidon, Psyduck, Tinkaton, Umbreon
AMamoswine, Metagross, Mewtwo X, Mewtwo Y, Armarouge, Azumarill, Alolan Ninetales, Blastoise, Blaziken, Buzzwole, Ceruledge, Chandelure, Dodrio, Eldegoss, Tsareena, Venusaur, Wigglytuff, Zacian, Zeraora, Zoroark, Espeon, Garchomp, Gardevoir, Glaceon, Greninja, Gyarados, Ho-Oh, Hoopa, Pikachu, Slowbro, Snorlax, Suicune, Trevenant
BLucario, Machamp, Meowscarada, Mew, Mr. Mime, Scizor, Scyther, Sylveon, Talonflame, Absol, Charizard, Cinderace, Clefable, Comfey, Cramorant, Crustle, Decidueye, Delphox, Dragapult, Dragonite, Gengar, Greedent, Inteleon, Lapras, Tyranitar
CAegislash, Sableye, Urshifu

Best Pokémon

While there are dozens of Pokémon you can play in *Pokémon Unite*, a handful stand out as much stronger than the rest. Here are the ones you need to keep an eye on:


Blissey in Pokemon Unite
Image via TiMi Studio Group

Blissey is arguably the best Support Pokémon in *Pokémon Unite*. Besides having great abilities, new players will find it easy to play as this Pokémon. The Soft-Boiled ability allows it to quickly restore party members' HP. This unit also features buff abilities that let her enhance her allies' attack speed and movement. Although this Pokémon is a healer, it is not a glass cannon and can withstand significant damage. Its Helping Hand cooldown may have increased from 8 to 9 seconds, but this unit is still a top pick in any match.


Image via TiMi Studio Group

One of the best Speedsters in *Pokémon Unite* is Darkrai. Its high speed stat allows it to zoom across the battlefield and move between various zones with ease. However, you should note that this Pokémon is quite fragile and cannot withstand much damage. The game makes up for this weakness with powerful attack abilities that can easily take down many enemies. It also has the Hypnosis ability, which can put opponents to sleep for a short period of time. If you want to use this Pokémon, you will need to be constantly on the move and avoid prolonged battles.

Galarian Rapidash

Galarian Rapidash
Image via TiMi Studio Group

Galarian Rapidash is another Speedster Pokémon you can consider using in *Pokémon Unite*. Similar to Darkrai, this unit has lower health compared to other Pokémon. While Darkrai offers crowd control and sustained damage, Galarian Rapidash focuses more on burst damage and self-sustain. If you have trouble playing as Darkrai, you can try using Galarian Rapidash, as its Pastel Veil ability provides immunity against hindrances.


Mimikyu in Pokemon Unite
Image via TiMi Studio Group

Mimikyu is an All-Rounder in *Pokémon Unite* with a balanced mix of offense and defense. Its passive ability, Disguise, allows it to start in a protected state, nullifying the first instance of damage it takes. When attacked, Mimikyu transitions into Busted Form, marking the attacker with a revenge mark. Approaching a marked enemy boosts Mimikyu's movement speed and damage against them. While Mimikyu has other powerful abilities, mastering Disguise is key to mitigating damage and maximizing counterattacks, making it a formidable opponent in battle.


Image via TiMi Studio Group

Miraidon is one of the best Attacker units you can choose in *Pokémon Unite*. In addition to its high burst damage, it has a passive ability called Hadron Engine, which creates an Electric Terrain that increases its move damage by 30% and boosts allies' move damage by 10%. This terrain also enhances ally goals' healing and shielding while reducing enemy goals' healing and shielding by 30%. Although it's not the easiest Pokémon to play, its powerful abilities make it one of the best picks in any match.


Umbreon in Pokemon Unite
Image via TiMi Studio Group

If you want to play as a Defender, you should pick Umbreon in *Pokémon Unite*. This unit has high defensive stats, allowing it to shield allies and maintain high survivability. Its passive ability also prevents it from being shoved, thrown, or left unable to act, giving you room to avoid crowd control. Additionally, it has the Mean Look ability, which creates a zone that prevents enemies from leaving while also reducing their movement speed.


Image via TiMi Studio Group

Last but not least, we have Tinkaton, another amazing All-Rounder in *Pokémon Unite*. Like Mimikyu, it has both offensive and defensive abilities, making it a great option for various team compositions. While many Pokémon require careful positioning and avoiding prolonged battles, Tinkaton thrives in an aggressive playstyle. It also has crowd control abilities through its Unite Move, which can briefly incapacitate enemies while dealing damage. Unlike many top-tier Pokémon, this unit is very beginner-friendly, making it an excellent choice for new players.

That's all you need to know about the best Pokémon in *Pokémon Unite*. Remember to master each Pokémon's abilities and playstyle if you want to dominate the battlefield.

*Pokémon Unite is available now on mobile devices and the Nintendo Switch.*

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