Uncharted Waters Origin has dropped a new update called The Lighthouse of the Ruins with a new PvE challenge. There’s also a new character and new events that are running until the beginning of November.It’s Going To Be A Monthly EventIn the Lighthouse of the Ruins, you climb through different waters or levels. You start from the lower depths and work your way up, battling it out and grabbing rewards like Blue Gems and Shipbuilding Accelerations.If you clear certain waters, you score some pretty great rewards. It refreshes at the beginning of every month. So, if you get stuck, you’ll get another shot after it resets. You can try to clear up to half of your previous progress after each reset, so you’re not starting from scratch every time.You’ll need 10 energy to make a try at the Lighthouse of the Ruins. If you fail, 8 of it gets returned. But you can’t use redo items, and the rank rewards are only given out once per month. So, make sure your strategy is on point before diving in.And then there’s William Adams, the new S-grade Admiral. He’s the famous English navigator who found himself in Japan back in the day. Arriving on a Dutch ship called Liefde, Adams has to win the trust of the Shogun.Some other new mates joining the crew. Naoe Kanetsugu and Togo Grimani are the two new normal Mates, while Ga Eunjeong and Tatsumaru are the latest Employee Mates.The new Mate Growth system, called Transcendence, is also available now in Uncharted Waters Origin. Once you’ve maxed out the Premium Training for your Mate, Transcendence unlocks, and they get an extra Effect slot.The Tome of Transcendence needed for it is available in the Lighthouse of the Ruins, Arctic Waters Land Training and even from a smuggling ring assistant captain in Cape Town.The Combat Support Special Attendance Event in Uncharted Waters Origin runs until November 5th. Just by showing up, you can grab 60 Tomes of Transcendence, 40 Highest Combat Appointments, a Birch Board and gear like the Marxbrüder Zweihänder & Rüstung.So yeah, that’s the lowdown on the latest update of Uncharted Waters Origin. Grab it from the Google Play Store.And before you leave, read our next scoop on FIFA And Konami’s eFootball Join Hands In FIFAe World Cup 2024!
Uncharted Waters Origin Updates with Lighthouse of the Ruins PvE Content
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