Home News Wanna Dominate in Warframe? Try This Jade Build

Wanna Dominate in Warframe? Try This Jade Build

Author : Aria Mar 06,2025

Wanna Dominate in Warframe? Try This Jade Build

Jade, Warframe's 57th addition, introduces a unique aerial combat style. This celestial Warframe reigns from above, decimating foes while safeguarding allies. This guide explores optimal Jade builds for Warframe, catering to both beginners and Steel Path veterans.


How to Unlock JadeHow to Play Jade EffectivelyA Beginner-Friendly Jade BuildA Powerful Steel Path Jade BuildAll of Jade's Abilities How to Unlock Jade

Released June 18, 2024, acquiring Jade requires obtaining her blueprint from the Jade Shadows quest (accessible via the Codex). Components are harvested from Acension on Uranus' Brutus. Alternatively, purchase the blueprint and component blueprints from Ordis in Mercury's Larunda Relay using Vestigial Motes. Resource requirements are detailed below:

Chassis15000 Credits
600 Alloy Plate
4000 Nano Spores
1500 Plastids
6 Morphics
Neuroptics15000 Credits
1000 Circuits
750 Bundle
3 Neural Sensors
4 Neurodes
Systems15000 Credits
600 Ferrite
600 Plastids
1100 Rubedo
10 Control Module

How to Play Jade Effectively

Jade's gameplay is straightforward. Select a song via your second ability, then utilize your third ability to debuff enemies. Mark targets with your first ability, and unleash devastating aerial attacks using your fourth ability's alt-fire. Efficient energy management and damage mitigation are crucial. The builds below address these aspects.

A Beginner-Friendly Jade Build

This build avoids Helminth abilities and Archon shards, making it accessible to new players. Note that Jade equips two Aura mods.

Core mods (Continuity, Intensify, Flow, Stretch) are universally beneficial. While Arcane Energize is recommended, it's optional.

Aura Mod – Corrosive ProjectionReduces enemy armor by 18% at max rank.
Aura Mod – Pistol AmpBoosts exalted weapon damage (considered a pistol).
Exilus SlotAviator for damage reduction while airborne.
Continuity+30% ability duration, reduced energy drain.
IntensifyIncreased ability strength.
FlowLarger energy pool.
StretchIncreased ability range.
RedirectionLarger shield pool.
EquilibriumLarger energy pool.
Augur Message/StreamlineFurther ability duration (stacks with Continuity). Streamline reduces energy usage.
Player’s ChoiceFlexible slot for addressing build weaknesses (e.g., Augur Secrets for strength, Augur Reach for range).

Enhance Jade's Exalted weapon, Glory, with these mods: Hornet Strike, Target Cracker, Barrel Diffusion, Lethal Torrent, Anemic Agility. The final three slots accommodate elemental mods based on enemy types.

A Powerful Steel Path Jade Build

This build utilizes no Helminth substitutions, leveraging Jade's inherent strengths. Arcanes Molt Augmented and Arcane Avenger enhance ability power and critical hits respectively.

Aura Mod – AerodynamicIncreased damage reduction (essential for Steel Path).
Aura Mod – Growing Power+25% ability strength for 6 seconds after a status effect.
Exilus Slot – AviatorDamage reduction while airborne.
Primed ContinuitySignificant ability duration increase, reduced energy drain.
Umbral IntensifyIncreased ability strength.
Primed RedirectionMaximized shields.
StretchIncreased ability range.
Fast DeflectionFaster shield recharge.
EquilibriumEnergy and health orb conversion.
AdaptationFurther damage reduction.
Transient FortitudeEnergy and health orb conversion.

Glory's build employs Hornet Strike, Primed Target Cracker, Prime Pistol Gambit, Galvanized Diffusion, and Lethal Torrent. Remaining slots are for elemental mods.

All Jade Abilities

Here's a summary of Jade's abilities:

Passive – The AnointedTwo Aura Mod slots.
Light’s JudgementHealing well for allies, damaging enemies.
Symphony of MercyThree songs boosting allies (Power of the Seven, Deathbringer, Spirit of Resilience). Duration extends with kills.
Ophanim EyesSlows and debuffs enemies, revives allies.
Glory on HighAerial attacks; alt-fire detonates Judgments.

Warframe is available now.

UPDATE: This article was updated on 1/31/25 by Escapist Editorial to add additional value.

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