Embark on a thrilling adventure in Schoolboy Stealth & Escape! Following his successful escape from home in Part 1, our schoolboy hero now navigates the challenges of the outside world. He must evade his ever-vigilant parents while enjoying precious time with friends.
Key Gameplay Features:
- Survival Adventure: Explore a world brimming with surprises, hidden dangers, and exciting gameplay opportunities.
- Evade Parental Surveillance: Outsmart your parents as they search for you! Use stealth, cunning tactics, and quick thinking to stay hidden.
- Friendship Fun: Meet up with friends and participate in thrilling mini-games, from impromptu soccer matches to exciting scavenger hunts.
- Dynamic Challenges: Overcome obstacles like nosy neighbors, watchful pets, and unpredictable weather conditions.
- Freedom to Explore: Discover new locations, secret hideouts, and unlock exciting new areas as you progress.
Schoolboy Stealth & Escape offers engaging gameplay, a vibrant world, and endless fun. Can you enjoy your day outside without being caught? Download now and accept the ultimate stealth and survival challenge!
What's New in Version 1.0.3 (Last Updated December 14, 2024):
Minor bug fixes and improvements. Update to the latest version for the best experience!