Embark on a Metroidvania adventure as Rhea, a skilled bounty hunter, in this pixel-art masterpiece! Her mission: rescue kidnapped citizens from the ominous Aresdale Castle, located beyond the city of Vaunard.
Rhea possesses unique abilities crucial to her perilous quest. Navigate treacherous castle corridors teeming with monsters, demanding agility, patience, and keen observation. Danger lurks, but so do valuable rewards.
The fate of Rhea and Vaunard rests in your hands!
Game Features:
- Classic Metroidvania gameplay with stunning pixel art.
- Play as Rhea, a bounty hunter armed with an arsenal of skills and weapons.
- Precise controls and intuitive gameplay.
- Confront a diverse range of monsters within the castle walls.
- Convenient save system with three save slots.
- Explore seven distinct areas within Aresdale Castle, uncovering its hidden secrets.
- Supports 14 languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese (Brazil), Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Turkish, Dutch, Bulgarian, Polish, and Russian.
Created by:
Antonio Romair Júnior and Rafael Barioni.
What's New in Version 0.73 (Last Updated August 7, 2024)
Google Play Store requirements update.